4mm Decking Infill Wires

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Our post to post wire system is not only easy to fit but offers a high class solution to providing infill to decking and patio areas at an affordable cost.

Using 4mm diameter 316 marine grade wire and fittings, infill wires can be added to balustrade easily and quickly.

Wires are secured to the timber end posts using wood screw threaded eyes at each end, the infill wires are then connected to these via a fork terminal one end and turnbuckle/fork terminal at the other.
Wires are made up to the inside of post to inside of post dimensions and the forks are pre fitted to the wire in our workshop. Once fitted, the wire assembly is tensioned using the turnbuckle. Wires can easily be passed through any intermediate posts by disconnecting the turnbuckle body and passing the threaded wire end through a 8mm hole drilled in the intermediate post.

To make up wires for your decking, all we require is the distance from the inside to inside of the end posts. The tensioners have at least 30mm of adjustment so a degree of error can be tolerated.
Prices shown are for wires made up to meter length sizes however, we make the wires to the actual dimensions ready to fit.
